Win a Raspberry Pi 3

I was at the recent Microsoft Tech Summit in Sydney where I was learning all about the latest Microsoft bits and pieces, and being a Community Reporter:


I ended up winning from one of the vendors a Raspberry Pi 3 with case. I thought it’d be a good idea to give this away on my blog! I did plug it in once to make sure it works, but beyond that it’s brand new :)

What do you need to do to win this? Not much! I don’t like having much fluff around these occasional giveaways, so there’s just a few simple ways to enter. Drawn in 2 weeks, just in time for Christmas :) The Pi will sit on my desk in front of me until then, waiting for it’s new owner. You’ll need a Micro SD card and some sort of USB power source.

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23 thoughts on “Win a Raspberry Pi 3

  1. Wow Adam, that’s in the spirit of Xmas. I donated my Pi version 1 to my Nephew as he is doing some cool stuff at School. I am feeling the loss though as I am playing with Azure IOT and various Lora WAN & bits.

  2. I’d love the Pi for my 9yo – he’s started to learn scratch coding, I think a Pi would be a great way to extend his coding journey.

  3. I’m desperate for another Pi, as I have a project that might just destroy mine in a very unfriendly environment, outback, hot, wet and maybe even under water…
    So much I could do with another Pi, great device, and running .net core 2 on it! So much you can do with them!

  4. The best for program it and for learn with technology. It’s very useful the Rasberry and better the new version the Rasberry Pi3 with more power.

  5. I have a project that might just destroy mine in a very unfriendly environment, outback, hot, wet, and maybe even underwater. I donated my Pi version 1 to my Nephew as he is doing some cool stuff at School. The best for the program it and learn with technology. It’s very useful the Rasberry and better the new version the Rasberry Pi3 with more power.ornaments

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