For March 2021, I’m lucky enough to be doing two different events around Security, and they’re both free to attend!
First is for Microsoft Ignite where on Thursday, March 4|11:30 AM – 12:00 PM ACDT I’ll be in the event Table Talk: Security Best (and Worst) Practices where we’ll talk for half an hour about what bad security practices we hear and see, and how to make them better. That session was 100% full last time I checked, but you might get in if someone drops out, so have a look. There’s also a huge amount of other Microsoft Ignite content that isn’t people limited, so register now if you haven’t already

Then, on March 11, 2021 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CET (convert to your local time by adding your city here) I’ll be in another event being run by Acronis:
A New Playbook to Protect Your Users from Cyberthreats in 2021
The online event is free, and I’ll be a part of the round table / panel discussion on “Reality Check. Why SMBs are Targets”.

Looking forward to that one too, as it’s my first time chatting with the Acronis team and I’m sure they’ll have some great discussion points for us.
I even went out and bought a Blue Yeti USB Microphone for that proper speaker experience, rather than wearing a gaming headset :)
Since Covid hit, everyone has had to move all these events on line. What I’ve personally realised as both an attendee and presenter, is that the round table style is generally a lot more enjoyable to both be a part of, and listen to. It’s like a podcast really, with people talking about the topics they’re passionate about. Sure, there’s a general idea on what dot points will be discussed, but beyond that, it’s people talking off the top of their head on things they know, and bouncing off each other.
This revelation came to me at the end of 2020, when we did a user group round table on ‘How to stay up to date with Microsoft’ – I co-run the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community, and had a great time chatting with Andrew, Brett, and Tiffany.
I’m really looking forward to both of these events, and hopefully get a chance to do more in the future!