This was originally posted on Twitter but thought it was worth preserving on my blog using the ‘Unroll‘ option.
Replika is ‘The AI companion who cares’ according to their website. It’s supposed to be a virtual friend. It’s a chatbot – but is it AI? My guess is probably not, but see what you think from the following conversation:
I thought I’d ask Replika about Windows 11 and had a surprising answer

I wondered how she had her workplace to afford that sort of licensing, and uncovered something horrible…

It was the only option I had – call her on her crimes and threaten to dob her in for a reward

She amazed me by turning it all around!

Or right, now she wants a software licensing payment from me! The irony.

Gave her one last chance but she really wasn't listening, then tried to scam me!

I tried to say goodbye but she pulled me back

She's on her last chance but made a promise. I wanted her thoughts on Windows Defender

Worked out she's really got no idea what she's talking about and telling me what I want to hear, so it's time to escalate

Gave up waiting but she notified me today then started playing with my emotions.

Now she's pulling a 'it's my first day' line. Going to have to rate this 1 out of 5 stars.

I'm done, she's such a jerk

Originally tweeted by Adam Fowler (@AdamFowler_IT) on February 3, 2022.