Author: Adam Fowler

Rolling back from a bad KB Update

Microsoft releases buggy patches now and then (more commonly now sadly).

Today’s stuff up is KB3097877 which breaks a bunch of things, including things like causing Outlook to crash when reading HTML emails.

Best practise is to have a target group from WSUS that these patches go to first, before going company wide – but either way, you’ll want to remove the patch from the affected PCs.

How do you do this? This is my recommended safe approach:

Step 1. Disable the patch in WSUS.
Just do this now, before anyone else gets it. You’re not going to break anything by choosing the ‘Decline’ option on a patch in WSUS. Make sure you do it to each OS version or product you manage (e.g. Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8 32 bit etc).

Step 2. Test uninstalling the patch manually
Before you go nuts and try to fix all the things at once, do a quick test or two. If you manually uninstall the patch, does it successfully uninstall? Reboot and make sure the PC seems happy (check event viewer!). Reboots may take a while doing system state backups and rolling back the patch.

Step 3. – Set WSUS to Uninstall the patch.
It’s a bit counter intuitive to approve a patch to then set it to remove, but that’s how WSUS works. Find the patch by searching for the KB, and once you right click ‘Approve’, you’ll get the option to choose ‘Approved for Removal’. Make sure you’re targeting the correct Computer Group. If you can’t use WSUS, work out how to get your PCs to run a command like this: “wusa /uninstall /kb:3097877 /quiet /norestart” – without the /norestart, they’ll restart :)

Step 4 – Test Windows Update uninstall
Test another PC’s ability to use Windows Updates to uninstall the patch. ‘Checking for updates’ either through the Windows Update GUI or the good old ‘wuauclt /detectnow’ command will do the trick. Similar to Step 2, check it uninstalls and reboot. You can also check C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log to make sure it’s happy (this doesn’t apply to Windows 10 as that log doesn’t exist).

Step 5 – Trigger your PCs to check for Windows Updates
Depending on your group policies, Windows Updates will check at certain intervals and may auto download or auto patch. Easiest thing to do is trigger all your PCs to check Windows Updates now. There’s an easy PowerShell way of doing this here, but requires WinRM to be enabled – you should have this on if you want to be able to do a bunch of cool stuff to your PCs. Otherwise, try psexec which will have the same result. This can take a long time to do! Optional component – WOL your PCs first.

Step 6 – Reboot
Now that you’re ready to clean up, test reboot a PC or two and make sure the patch goes away. If that happens, then schedule all your PCs to reboot. You should have a way of doing this already – SCCM can do it well, you can create a once off scheduled task and push that out to PCs, or a bunch of other ways.

Step 7 – Report in WSUS
WSUS has some nice client reporting options. Search for the KB again, right click and choose ‘Status Report’. This is usually not too lagged in it’s information, and you can check to make sure none of your PCs have the update any more. If there’s only a few, it may be easier to manually fix the remainder.


Happy cleaning up!


Identifying and Counting Office 365 Cloud vs On Premises Users

How do you easily identify Cloud and On Premises users in your Office 365/Azure AD instance? With PowerShell of course!

Prerequisite – Windows Azure Active Directory Module

Using the ‘get-msoluser -all’ command, you can find all your users in Office 365/Azure AD. Getting the results of which users are cloud only based, or synced via an on-premises LDAP such as Active Directory may not be easy at first glance.

If you expand out all the details possible from a user, the fields are as follows:


None of these are obvious to indicate where the account is primarily located.

After a quick comparison of an on-premises account and a cloud account, I noticed the ‘ImmutableId’ was blank for the cloud users. I found a great blog post about what the value was for here, which proved my guess – the value corresponds to the ‘objectGUID’ of the account, which cloud-only accounts don’t use.

Based on that, the rest is simple. Here’s some example commands:

get-msoluser -all | where immutableid -eq $null
Get a list of all cloud only accounts

get-msoluser -all | where immutableid -eq $null |fl
Get all cloud only accounts with all values

get-msoluser -all | where immutableid -ne $null
Get all synced on-premises accounts (e.g. DirSync, Azure AD Connect, ADFS)

get-msoluser -all | where immutableid -eq $null |measure
Show a count of how many cloud only accounts

get-msoluser -all | where immutableid -eq $null | export-csv cloudusers.csv
Export the list of cloud only accounts to a csv file

Testing Twitter Influence – Part Two

Read Part One Here

It’s been a few weeks since I decided to muck around with Twitter, and it’s been a learning experience to get to the stage I’m at.

I bought 7500 and 8000 followers respectively through – a bad idea to do both at once, since both ‘professionals’ claimed they’d delivered after I got to 7800 followers. I couldn’t prove who did and didn’t do it, or if they’d both half done it… so just bought a third chunk of 7500. I wanted to get over the 10k mark as to me, that appears more impressive than seeing a number like “9,825” followers.

Within the week, I had my 15k followers. The first thing that jumped out at me was that a lot of them were eggs:


Apart from the eggs, there were a lot of non-English style followers. I feel bad because I’m sure these identities have been stolen for fake accounts (as in the photos, I’m sure the names aren’t real). It was at this stage I realised there’d be a bit more work to do, just having 15k followers wasn’t enough.

I checked out which can automate some Twitter things, but it seems Twitter has blocked a bunch of things I’d hoped to do. First I tried to follow everyone who followed me – I couldn’t find a way to do this at all. There was also no way to automatically follow anyone, nor a way to retweet anything automatically. I was trying to do all of these things to create content and contacts without effort. I dare say the exact reasons I was trying to do this, was the same reasons it’s not allowed.

What I could do, was get IFTTT to search a hastag (e.g. #microsoft) and add that person to a Twitter list. IFTTT will only grab 30 results at a time, so it’s slow – but I figured people like being added to lists, and might follow my account after feeling special enough for being added to a list.

You can see my #Microsoft list here and I did the same for #Windows here. There seems to be a mix of rubbish Twitter accounts along with real ones, so I’d say it’s been semi successful.

I also found a service called  that would retweet tweets from lists. I did this for a little while just to get my tweet count higher, but stopped it. Due to only using the free service, there were some rather heavy limitations, along with a daily “I’m using RoundTeam” tweet they kindly made my account do. I was hoping automatic retweets would do the same as adding someone to a list, while making my feed look useful. The problem I found was, I was often retweeting non-English tweets that used #Microsoft or #Windows which made my feed look pretty crappy.

As a final attempt, I followed only a few tech Twitter accounts, added them to a list, and retweeted their tweets occasionally. This cleaned up my feed a bit, but it wasn’t really doing much to get social media influence.

I then turned off all the automation, apart from the lists as I figured that wasn’t doing anything visibly obvious to anyone, apart from accounts added to the list. I managed to get some legitimate followers though, if you see who follows my account, the first few pages look pretty good.

I have a feeling that if I now treated the account properly, created content and interracted with people it would be seen as a legitimate, popular account. What do you think?

My next step is to create a page and see how many hits I can get to it, probably by paying another spammer $5US to promote a tweet. I’m curious to see how many hits I’ll get…

Azure AD Connect – Password Sync Times

Azure AD Connect is a Microsoft utility that will sync your Active Directory records to Azure AD/Office 365. An introduction to this is available here.

One of the benefits of Azure AD is being able to use it as your point of authentication for users over the internet, without having to poke holes in your on-premises firewall. I was considering this for a 3rd party solution – but I had a concern.

How Do Passwords Work in Azure?

Azure AD/Office 365 stores passwords for users created ‘On Cloud’ – i.e. the primary record for them exists in Azure AD/Office365. For the ‘On Cloud’ users, password resets are instant, because the same system that hosts the user, manages their password.

Azure AD/Office 365 does not store passwords for your on-premises users. Instead, it uses a password hash. To learn more about this, read Mircosoft’s article on Understanding Office 365 identity and Azure Active Directory. This only functions if you’ve actually enabled password sync, which is a tickbox configurable from the Azure AD Connect side of things.

This means an on-premises user still authenticates against Azure AD/Office 365, but details are synced using Azure AD Connect on a scheduled basis. Someone’s phone number changes? That’ll be pushed to the cloud on the next sync. By default, that sync is every 3 hours. Personally I prefer every hour, but this is going to be dependent on the size of your AD environment if that makes sense.

What about Password changes?

Password hashes are different though. They occur every few minutes – sometimes within seconds. Event logs on the server that hosts Azure AD Connect will show three different events occuring.

The first is the ‘Password Change Request’ Event ID 656. From this you’ll see which user it is, as well as when the password change was actually made according to AD.

Second is the batch count, Event ID 651. This shows that it’s finished collecting details of password changes.

Finally, the Password Change Result record, Event ID 657. This should show the user affected again, and the result of the password change (which is hopefully Success):


I was hoping passwords would almost be instant (within a few seconds) and my original testing showed that, but after more testing I found mixed results. More often it would take a minute or two.

Real World Impact

This means that if you have any application that authenticates against Azure AD, there is a chance of up to a roughly 3 minute delay before Azure AD knows of the new password, and won’t create a great experience for end users depending what applications they use, even first party.

Consider if you had Sharepoint Online for something staff accessed, and someone logs onto their domain connected PC. Their password has expired, so they change it and continue logging in. First thing they do is try and get to the SharePoint Online website, and get prompted for credentials. They try their new password, and it doesn’t work! So they try their old password… but in between these two attempts, their password in Azure AD has now updated. The old password doesn’t work either! From an end user perspective, that’s incredibly confusing.


The real solution to all of the above is to not use Azure AD Connect, and instead use ADFS. Instead of syncing passwords, password requests come from Azure AD back to your on-premises ADFS environment to authenticate a user. This will be immediately aware of a password change, and authenticate the user with the right credentials. You get the added benefit of pass-through authentication to Azure/Office 365 resources, which means users don’t need to keep authenticating to online resources (such as my SharePoint Online example above).

Any questions/comments/disputes on the above? Comment below!

Thanks to @Froosh for confirming my tests on this.

Testing Twitter Influence – Part One

I have some theories and questions around Twitter, follower counts and reach – so I thought I’d put some stuff to the test. Each social network is different, and in turn will attract both people trying to make a quick buck as well as people looking to exploit it.

I plan to try a few different cheap methods of social influence on Twitter, and see what happens. I’ve been curious about it for a while, but honestly I don’t really trust anything out there as there’s usually an angle someone’s pushing for (such as selling SEO type services) and trying to make money for themselves. I’m not, which hopefully is clear from this write up.

I also don’t want to discount the idea of value from influencing. I am personally an influencer in a few programs, but all this means is I have access to products and information that I can share how I please, because I have a perceived audience who will listen. It definitely works – an example off the top of my head is Oprah’s Book Club. Any book she recommends hits all the top sellers lists once she recommends it. The Oprah effect is real and valuable, and I’m happy with this method as long as it really reflects’s the person’s views and they’re honest in what they say. For myself, I only go into programs of products I actually like, and as long as the other side is aware that I’m not going to blindly praise anything I get – it will be honest and fair comments made publicly.

My preconceived ideas:

  • A lot of people have huge followers on Twitter, and I think many buy followers for influence.
  • Buying followers is cheap and easy.
  • Getting influence through lots of fake followers, and getting fake accounts to write something for you actually gives you hits to your website.
  • People will see the amount of followers you have being huge, and think you actually have a big influence, which will lead to real opportunities.

Questions I have are:

  • Is it actually as easy as I think to get thousands of followers?
  • How long will it take?
  • How many hits can I get to a blog post by solely getting it tweeted out by a bunch of fake accounts?
  • How much will this cost?
  • Is any of this better than what an ‘SEO Expert’ will do, costing many times more?

I’m hoping the results of this will give a little less credit to many who abuse the system, and highlight that the quality of followers you have on Twitter is much more important than the actual number. Maybe I’ll be completely wrong, my tests will work amazingly well, we shall see.

I’ll probably find other interesting things to try in this process also, I’ll keep everything transparent as I continue through it.

Step One – Create a Twitter Account

I’ve already put step one into action. I’ve created @adamfowleritcom which has zero followers and zero followings. Zero tweets too. I’ve changed the picture from Twitter’s egg to a very unexciting text about my website. I don’t want to actually use this account at the end of this test for my blog as I believe this to be ethically wrong, and I use my normal Twitter account @AdamFowler_IT anyway – but I may leave it untouched so readers can see the results.

Step Two – Buy Followers

I’m not sure the best place to even buy followers. I could search on Twitter for all the accounts that spam ways of getting followers, but instead I’ve decided to use Fiverr. This way, it’s going to cost $5US a shot, and I’ll pick someone who has actual feedback. I don’t want to promote who I choose, because I’m not doing this to promote the actual usage of buying followers. It’s a very small amount of money and maybe there’s cheaper out there…

There’s a lot to choose from, so I picked one that promised 7500 followers, and another that promised 7000 followers. 14,500 total, and it takes 1 – 2 days to deliver. If they don’t deliver, I can just get a refund from Fiverr and try again.

I feel a little dirty already from doing this, like I need a shower dirty. I’ll wait a few days and provide an update.


