5 Things To Check In Your Microsoft 365 Apps (Office 365) Configuration

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, and Teams (unless you’re in the EU) are some of the apps that make up the Microsoft 365 Apps suite. We don’t call it Office 365 anymore, and they’ve been around for a very long time. Despite the name change, ‘Office’ is used across Microsoft documentation, the Essential Eight, Windows Registry settings etc so I will use also use it for the rest of this article.

Unsurprisingly, there’s both a lot of flexibility in configuration options for these apps, as well as many settings that have security considerations. As with my other blog posts of late, I wanted to have a look at the Center for Internet Security’s (CIS) Microsoft Intune for Office Benchmark 1.0 and pick my favourite 5 recommendations; ones that I think have a high impact, aren’t on by default, and/or ones you may not have considered.

As with other Intune benchmarks, you don’t have to use Microsoft Intune (you can use Group Policy/registry) but these options are natively supported via Intune. To create these policies via Intune from the Microsoft Intune admin center go to Apps > Policy > Policies for Office apps.

I’m not going to pick the obvious settings either – everyone should be following the Essential Eight guidance on blocking Office Macros which is:

Microsoft Office macros are disabled for users that do not have a demonstrated business requirement.
Microsoft Office macros in files originating from the internet are blocked.
Microsoft Office macro antivirus scanning is enabled.
Microsoft Office macro security settings cannot be changed by users.

and also should have in place all Attack Surface Reduction settings related to Microsoft 365 Apps such as these:

Block all Office applications from creating child processes
Block Office applications from creating executable content
Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes

…so if you aren’t doing the above (or if you’re not sure) – go sort that out first before you worry about these extra ones!

Alright, let’s get on with my 5 picks:

#1 – Ensure ‘Block signing into Office’ is set to ‘Enabled: Org ID only’

Official description of the setting:
This policy setting controls whether users can provide credentials to Office using either their Microsoft Account or the user ID assigned by your organization for accessing Office 365.
If you enable this policy setting, you can specify one of the following options:

– If you select “Both IDs allowed”, users can sign in and access Office content by using either ID
– If you select “Microsoft Account only”, users can sign in only by using their Microsoft Account.
– If you select “Organization only”, users can sign in only by using the user ID assigned by your organization for accessing Office 365.
– If you select “None allowed”, users cannot sign in by using either ID.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, users can sign in by using either ID.

Note: This policy does not apply to licensing. A user can license their product using any applicable ID if they have a valid license associated with that account. Providing credentials for licensing purposes when that ID type has been disabled, however, will not affect the signed in state of Office.

This setting controls whether a consumer Microsoft Account can be used to sign into the Office suite. By default, both a work account and a Microsoft Account can be signed in, so changing it to Org ID only prevents that. This prevents a user either accidentally or wilfully saving and opening files from their personal OneDrive and anywhere else the Microsoft Account may have access to. You can imagine a user not realising they’ve been saving their last year of work on their personal unprotected OneDrive, or doing so because it made it easier to continue working on documents via their home computer. There should be no legitimate business need for this setting to be allowed, so change it.

In Intune, it’s under the ‘Block signing into Office’ setting, as is the Group Policy setting Block signing into Office (

#2 – Ensure ‘Improve Proofing Tools’ is set to ‘Disabled’

This setting controls whether data learnt from Office Proofing Tools (such as spell check) is sent back to Microsoft. This option is enabled by default. It will include information such as additions to the dictionary (maybe you keep writing Project Phoenixx but that’s actually the ‘correct’ spelling’) or maybe your drivers license combination of letters and numbers, or credit card. Here’s the actual description of the setting:

This policy setting controls whether the Help Improve Proofing Tools feature sends usage data to Microsoft. The Help Improve Proofing Tools feature collects data about use of the Proofing Tools, such as additions to the custom dictionary, and sends it to Microsoft. After about six months, the feature stops sending data to Microsoft and deletes the data collection file from the user’s computer.
If you enable this policy setting, this feature is enabled if users choose to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). If your organization has policies that govern the use of external resources such as the CEIP, allowing the use of the Help Improve Proofing Tools feature might cause them to violate these policies.
If you disable this policy setting, the Help Improve Proofing Tools feature does not collect proofing tool usage information and transmit it to Microsoft.
If you do not configure this policy setting, the behavior is the equivalent of setting the policy to “Enabled”.

Beyond this data going back to Microsoft, it’s also saving it on your computer in a secondary data collection file. Quite simply, it’s introducing extra risk in both a second location of data + sending off to Microsoft, with no direct immediate user benefit, and no obvious method of showing what data it’s transmitting so should be disabled. On this point, this isn’t questioning how much you trust Microsoft or not – you’re probably using their operating system, software, cloud storage, search results and AI – risk is risk and you reduce it wherever you can that makes sense, and this is one of those scenarios.

This setting can be found under ‘Improve Proofing Tools’ in Intune, or Group Policy/Registry here.

#3. Modern Office File Formats: Ensure ‘Default file format’ is set to ‘Enabled: Word Document (.docx)’ Ensure ‘Default file format’ is set to ‘Enabled: Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)’ Ensure ‘Default file format’ is set to ‘Enabled: PowerPoint Presentation (*pptx)’

These are all the same but each application needs it’s own setting enabled. Worth noting is the same setting exists for Access – ideally you don’t have that anywhere, but if you do, change that setting too. It’s also actually two settings – enabling it, then setting the ‘Save x files as’ and choosing the above listed options, e.g. PowerPoint Presentation (*pptx).

Although this setting doesn’t block the older default Office document types (.doc, .xls, .ppt), it makes sure the default format for saving is the newer .docx, .xlsx, pptx. The older formats were the default up to Office 2003, and in Office 2007 onward is where the ‘x’ version (which is based on XML and if you rename any of these documents to .ZIP, you can check out what’s inside!) was introduced. Although I can’t find much officially around the differences, the general takes are that the newer format is less prone to corruption, more secure, better organised internally, and more open for other programs to be able to read the data inside.

Most companies will have the older file formats floating around still, but this setting works towards encouraging the new (and 16 years since release, it’s hard to still call it ‘new’!) file format.

Setting description from Word:
This policy setting determines the default file format for saving files in Word.

If you enable this policy setting, you can set the default file format from among the following options:

– Word Document (*.docx): This option is the default configuration in Word.
– Single Files Web Page (*.mht)
– Web Page (*.htm; *.html)
– Web Page, Filtered (*.htm, *.html)
– Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
– Plain Text (*.txt)
– Word 6.0/95 (*.doc)
– Word 6.0/95 – Chinese (Simplified) (*.doc)
– Word 6.0/95 – Chinese (Traditional) (*.doc)
– Word 6.0/95 – Japanese (*.doc)
– Word 6.0/95 – Korean (*.doc)
– Word 97-2002 and 6.0/95 – RTF
– Word 5.1 for Macintosh (*.mcw)
– Word 5.0 for Macintosh (*.mcw)
– Word 2.x for Windows (*.doc)
– Works 4.0 for Windows (*.wps)
– WordPerfect 5.x for Windows (*.doc)
– WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS (*.doc)
– Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm)
– Word Template (*.dotx)
– Word Macro-Enabled Template (*.dotm)
– Word 97 – 2003 Document (*.doc)
– Word 97 – 2003 Template (*.dot)
– Word XML Document (*.xml)
– Strict Open XML Document (*.docx)
– OpenDocument Text (*.odt)

Users can choose to save presentations or documents in a different file format than the default.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Word saves new files in the Office Open XML format: Word files have a .docx extension. For users who run recent versions of Word, Microsoft offers the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, which enables them to open and save Office Open XML files. If some users in your organization cannot install the Compatibility Pack, or are running versions of Word older than Microsoft Office 2000 with Service Pack 3, they might not be able to access Office Open XML files.

This policy setting is often set in combination with the “Save As Open XML in Compatibility Mode” policy setting.

The 4 settings in Intune are below, and the Group Policy/Registry settings are here: Word Access Excel PowerPoint

#4. Ensure ‘Control Blogging’ is set to ‘Enabled: All Blogging Disabled’

I partly like this one because not many people know this is even a thing. Description:

This policy setting controls whether users can compose and post blog entries from Word.

If you enable this policy setting, you can choose from three options for controlling blogging:

* Enabled – Users may compose and post blog entries from Word to any available blog provider. This is the default configuration in Word.

* Only SharePoint blogs allowed – Users can only post blog entries to SharePoint sites.

* Disabled – The blogging feature in Word is disabled entirely.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the behavior is the equivalent of setting the policy to Enabled-Enabled.

Word can send off contents of documents to certain blogging platforms via a direct connection from inside the application, and is enabled by default. Although the amount of your user base that would even consider this is quite low, all it takes is for one person to decide to do it, then publish the wrong document to a public site.

As usual, there’s usually no great reason to allow this at all, so disable it – even restricting to SharePoint sites doesn’t mean it’s restricted to the SharePoint sites you control.

Intune setting is Control Blogging, which you need to Enable and set to All blogging disabled, or Group Policy/Registry settings here.

5. Ensure ‘Outlook Security Mode’ is set to ‘Enabled’

There’s an Outlook Security Mode? Sounds like something that should be enabled! Description:
This policy setting controls which set of security settings are enforced in Outlook.

If you enable this policy setting, you can choose from four options for enforcing Outlook security settings:

* Outlook Default Security – This option is the default configuration in Outlook. Users can configure security themselves, and Outlook ignores any security-related settings configured in Group Policy.

* Use Security Form from ‘Outlook Security Settings’ Public Folder – Outlook uses the settings from the security form published in the designated public folder.

* Use Security Form from ‘Outlook 10 Security Settings’ Public Folder – Outlook uses the settings from the security form published in the designated public folder.

* Use Outlook Security Group Policy – Outlook uses security settings from Group Policy.

Important – You must enable this policy setting if you want to apply the other Outlook security policy settings mentioned in this guide.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Outlook users can configure security for themselves, and Outlook ignores any security-related settings that are configured in Group Policy.

Note – In previous versions of Outlook, when security settings were published in a form in Exchange Server public folders, users who needed these settings required the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Security\CheckAdminSettings registry key to be set on their computers for the settings to apply. In Outlook, the CheckAdminSettings registry key is no longer used to determine users’ security settings. Instead, the Outlook Security Mode setting can be used to determine whether Outlook security should be controlled directly by Group Policy, by the security form from the Outlook Security Settings Public Folder, or by the settings on users’ own computers.

Intune has the option ‘Microsoft recommended baseline’ under ‘Outlook Security Mode’ in Intune, which is documented here on all the settings it controls:

If you need to change any of those related settings from the default, you instead need to change this from ‘Microsoft recommended baseline’ to Manually configured, and ‘Use Outlook Security Group Policy’ – and then ensure all related policies are configured the way you want.

The CIS benchmark documentation also mentions:
Note: This setting is essential for ensuring that the other Outlook security settings mentioned in this baseline are applied as suggested.

So, what all this means is the CIS benchmark overall has different configuration recommendations compared to the Microsoft recommended baseline, but in doing this option it’s worth assessing all the settings that the baseline would do!

Intune setting is ‘Outlook Security Mode’ and Group Policy/Registry settings here

I hope you found the above options interesting, and as always this is designed to grow awareness of what you need to consider in managing an environment, and always have that security mindset. These options are not set and forget either – you need frequent checks to make sure no gaps have been created either by reconfiguration or new settings coming in.

5 Things To Check In Your Microsoft Edge Configuration

In what has now become a ‘5 Things To Check’ series, this time we’re looking at Microsoft Edge. The Center for Internet Security’s (CIS) Microsoft Edge benchmark is up to v2.0.0, so again I’ll pick my favourite 5 things listed, along with giving my own explanation of why they matter and other considerations.

By the way, did you know there’s now a whole ‘Policies for Microsoft Edge’ area of the Microsoft 365 admin center? More details on the Microsoft Edge management service here.

OK let’s jump into the top 5!

1. Ensure ‘Configure extension management settings’ is set to ‘Enabled: *’

Browser extensions can do a bunch of useful things, including potentially reading everything you do and sending it off to a third party. Even if it’s not for malicious purposes, your users certainly aren’t looking into what an extension does permission wise, and thinking about data sovereignty (I know there will be exceptions to this!). Just like any other app, extensions should be controlled and go through an approval process before they’re allowed on a work device. Moreso, the tie-in with using Microsoft Edge with a work profile to both be required to access certain resources, as well as pulling down policies automatically to configure the profile in a secure state goes a long way to providing a full secure experience.

By default, all users can install whatever extensions they like.

Microsoft have full documentation on how to manage Microsoft Edge extensions here Detailed guide to the ExtensionSettings policy | Microsoft Learn but this setting is the start of enabling it, and blocking all by default unless there’s an exception – which is why it’s being set to a wildcard *. Exceptions to the global block can be granted with the setting ‘Allow specific extensions to be installed.’. There’s several ways to manage and deploy this:

Group Policy –

Intune –

Microsoft Edge management service (the new way!)

Yes there is management overhead in blocking all extensions and looking at each case on what you should allow, and yes you need to consider other browsers like Google Chrome – you can’t just lock down Microsoft Edge and leave Google Chrome to be a free for all, or users will go there instead.

2. Ensure ‘Enable profile creation from the Identity flyout menu or the Settings page’ is set to ‘Disabled’

I called out profiles in the first tip – Edge profiles are a core component of Microsoft Edge security. A work or school account signed into Microsoft Edge can pull down Microsoft 365 tenant settings, including the new Microsoft Edge Management Service which to quote the start of the article:

The Microsoft Edge management service is a platform in the Microsoft 365 admin center that enables admins to easily configure Microsoft Edge browser settings for their organization. These configurations are stored in the cloud and the settings can be applied to a user’s browser through group assignment or group policy. Users must be logged into Microsoft Edge to retrieve these settings.

Either Single Sign-on should enforce Edge to automatically sign in with the same account as the PC is logged in as, or on BYOD the requirement to create a profile with the work account can allow for application management – things like stopping data exiting the browser session, screenshots, the blocking of extensions etc.

On the flip side, letting users create profiles throws all that security and control out the window. If someone can create a new profile even as a guest, a lot of the controls drop off – as well as potentially treating the browser session as a consumer one, and things like Microsoft Rewards turn up. You also have history, bookmarks, password managers etc potentially being saved against a Microsoft account (rather than a work/school one). That Microsoft account may not even have MFA on it – so a compromised Microsoft account used to sync browser information could grab a lot of company related data if it’s being used for the wrong purposes.

The setting can be set by Group Policy if you download the Microsoft Edge for Business pack (worth doing if you’re living in Group Policy land still) – Download Edge for Business (, or the registry setting:


You can also set this via Microsoft Edge management service

3. Ensure ‘Enable AutoFill for addresses’ is set to ‘Disabled’

Ever walked up to an iPad at a business that you need to register your details on, and as you click on the first part of the form it shows you a bunch of other people’s data? That’s AutoFill enabled by default, when it definitely should not be.

This is a tough one, because AutoFill is so handy. You go to a website and need to fill in a form, but instead you get a dropdown, pick your name and the form is mostly filled out! In a work environment though, this can be a big catch. Are you ever putting in personally identifiable information for someone else? It could be as simple as an email address. That data gets saved in a manner that isn’t that much different to having a text file in your profile that contains the same data – so it shouldn’t be allowed.

You’d probably get user pushback on this, but a decent password manager should also have AutoFill functionality, but where it prompts you before it saves the data, and it’s easily readable against a profile rather than the more obfuscated method that Edge (and other browsers) generally use.

The AutofillAddressEnabled is easy to disable via registry, Group Policy with Download Edge for Business ( or via Microsoft Edge management service (and untick that ‘Allow users to override’ option which is ticked by default!).

4. Ensure ‘Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads’ is set to ‘Enabled’

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Microsoft’s support site explains to users about Defender SmartScreen, including the Screening downloads part. Seems like a pretty good idea, if a user downloads something and it matches a file that Microsoft has already found unsafe, it’ll warn you:

Screening downloads: SmartScreen checks your downloads against a list of reported malicious software sites and programs known to be unsafe. If it finds a match, SmartScreen warns you that the download has been blocked for your safety. SmartScreen also checks your downloaded files against a list of well-known and popular downloads by Microsoft Edge users and warns you if your download is not on this list.,been%20blocked%20for%20your%20safety.

You can just bypass this warning and download the file anyway. A home user may want this experience to make the decision themselves, but this probably isn’t the decision you want an end user to make in a corporate environment and on a work device. Arguably, several other layers should protect you anyway including Defender for Endpoint or whatever EDR solution is in place, but this is a pretty safe extra layer to have in place.

Preventing user bypass of a SmartScreen detected suspicious download seems like an obvious one. Again, PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles is a single setting via registry, Group Policy, or Microsoft Edge management service:

5. Ensure ‘Enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge’ is set to ‘Enabled: Balanced mode’

This is disabled by default. Clicking the ? next to ‘Enhance your security on the web’ will tell you:

What is enhanced security mode?
This runs your unfamiliar sites without the just in time (JIT) compilation to provide added protection. Running JIT-less reduces attack surface, making it difficult for malicious sites to exploit.
The additional protection includes Windows operating system mitigations such as Hardware Enforced Stack Protection, Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG), and Control Flow Guard (CFG).

Although there is a caveat ‘Most sites work as expected’, it’s an adaptive setting that learns behavour and what’s common the more it gets used. Admins can also add exceptions or forced enhanced security to certain sites: Browse more safely with Microsoft Edge | Microsoft Learn

I’ve been running this setting on at home for several months and haven’t noticed any issues, but I’m sure there are some sites that would be affected by this. You can decide if you let users toggle the option off on a per-website basis too.

The ‘Balanced mode option under ‘EnhanceSecurityMode’ setting can be set via registry, Group Policy with Download Edge for Business ( or via Microsoft Edge management service:

Bonus because I couldn’t pick between this and #5!
6. Ensure ‘Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft’ is set to ‘Disabled’

This is enabled by default. Regardless of trust in Microsoft or not, unnecessarily sending information such as browser history, favorites/collections etc is worth blocking. At the cost of ad personalisation, which should be irrelevant in a corporate setting. Enable this one!

The PersonalizationReportingEnabled setting is easy to disable via registry, Group Policy with Download Edge for Business ( or via Microsoft Edge management service:

It’s also worth calling out that Microsoft have their own Security Baseline for Microsoft Edge included in this: Download Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit 1.0 from Official Microsoft Download Center which lists out all the policies with recommended settings, along with a bunch of other products. You should be keeping track of the Security Baseline for Microsoft Edge and following the guidance where possible on each release.